Cinema's 50 greatest flops, follies and failures
Gostava de fazer um resumo do artigo, mas infelizmente não tive mesmo tempo... No site Time Out, podemos encontrar um artigo sobre as 50 falhas, flops e loucuras do cinema.Fica aqui um 'cheirinho' do que podem ver na integral neste site.

42. Mars Attacks! (1996)
Directed by Tim Burton
Ack! Ack! Ack! Ack! Ack! etc...
It's the sort of film you wish Tim Burton would pluck up the courage to make again instead of offering tired, bubble-gummed rehashes of family favourites that usually involve Johnny Depp in a silly hat. Working as a shrine to his passion for Z-grade '50s sci-fi, Burton's kitsch jewel based on a series of popular trading cards charts a madcap Martian attack which is eventually foiled by the ear-bursting strains of low-rent crooner, Slim Whitman. Drawing together a massive, A-list ensemble cast and going all-out on the ray gun/flying saucer iconography, the film sadly dive-bombed, partly because this was Burton's most outwardly wacky movie since ‘Pee Wee's Big Adventure', and partly because audiences were too taken by a po-faced version of exactly the same story in the screening room across the foyer: take a bow, ‘Independence Day'. DJ
Watch the Martians 'come in peace'
Directed by Tim Burton
Ack! Ack! Ack! Ack! Ack! etc...
It's the sort of film you wish Tim Burton would pluck up the courage to make again instead of offering tired, bubble-gummed rehashes of family favourites that usually involve Johnny Depp in a silly hat. Working as a shrine to his passion for Z-grade '50s sci-fi, Burton's kitsch jewel based on a series of popular trading cards charts a madcap Martian attack which is eventually foiled by the ear-bursting strains of low-rent crooner, Slim Whitman. Drawing together a massive, A-list ensemble cast and going all-out on the ray gun/flying saucer iconography, the film sadly dive-bombed, partly because this was Burton's most outwardly wacky movie since ‘Pee Wee's Big Adventure', and partly because audiences were too taken by a po-faced version of exactly the same story in the screening room across the foyer: take a bow, ‘Independence Day'. DJ
Watch the Martians 'come in peace'
Boa dica! Este é o tipo de listas de filmes que gosto! descobrimos sempre umas pérolas! Olha o meu adorado Marte Ataca :-( Buááá ;-)
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